Liberty Blog

50 things

Sep 7, 2015 | by editor | Camp News, Uncategorized

Liberty Lake Day Camp has a national (and recently international) reputation as one of the most progressive Summer Day Camps- both philisophically and programatically. Last summer we were visited by the CEO of the American Camp Association who suggested that we compile a list of unique traits- the list was a LOT longer than I thought it would be!

  1. CO-ED PROGRAM – CoEd_AthleticsLiberty Lake is the only large camp that we know of which runs 100% Co-Ed activities. So there are boys at Dance, girls at Laser Tag- and everyone is HAPPY! Why are we one of the only camps that does it this way? We have no idea. Our Co-Ed Intercamp team WON the Central Jersey Camp League Championship last summer- The only completely Co-Ed Team in the league!!!

  2. INCLUSION – Liberty Lake runs a real inclusion program, serving 50+ kids with special needs each week that would otherwise have nowhere to go. With dedicated inclusion staff and procedures, Liberty Lake is the only private camp approved and recommended by the State of New Jersey’s Division of Children and Families, Special Services.

  3. LIBERTY LAKE STAR POINTS (Teamwork, Independence, Integrity, Aspiration & Friendship) – The concept, and the facilitation of it. Andy speaks to Camp Professionals around the world about how to implement Character and Lifeskills into Summer Camp Curriculum.lldc

  4. OUTCOMES RESEARCH from Parent and Camper surveys, proving that we accomplish what we set out to teach. At Liberty Lake, we don’t just talk the talk- we walk the walk, and we have data to prove it. Check out this blog which cites some of last year’s results.

  5. LIBERTY LAKE FOUNDATION– Liberty Lake helped create a Foundation to work with local youth serving organizations and schools, and to fund “camperships” to help children experience camp who would not otherwise be able to. It’s also a great way to teach our campers the value of service, giving back, and paying it forward!

  6. TECHNOLOGY FREE ENVIRONMENT– No cell phones, tablets, hand held games, computers, etc. And it is STRICTLY ENFORCED! It’s a technology detox for our kids (and our staff) at Liberty Lake!
  7. A parent-powered WEBCAM, and DAILY PHOTOS uploaded each night.At Liberty Lake, we’re proud of what we do, and we are happy to give our parents a peak. Enrolled families can log in and zoom in during the camp day, and each night we upload the highlights of each day!

  8. SOCIAL MEDIA presence– Facebook, Twitter, Blog (with camper contributions). While we are completely ANTI-TECHNOLOGY during the summer with our campers, we embrace social media with our families, and actively post on Facebook, Twitter, and our Liberty Blog- with contributions during the summer made from our great camper writers!

  9. EXPRESS BUS PICK-UP from over 60 locations. Liberty Lake Day Camp literally picks up campers in FIVE different counties- Burlington, Camden, Mercer, Monmouth, Ocean and Gloucester!

  10. LATE BUS included in tuition Departs camp at 5:15pm, with 5:30-6pm drop-offs to the north and the south.


  11. EXTENDED HOURS INCLUDED IN TUITION- At Liberty Lake, our philosophy is that your regular tuition should cover bus transportation, and/or extended hours. No nickle and diming over here!

  12. FRIDAY ASSEMBLY CONCERTS-  Liberty Lake starts and ends each week with an All-Camp Assembly. Friday Assemblies culminate the week’s electives, with performances from our musicians, dancers, karate choppers, yo-yo-ers and more! The Assembly’s end with a rousing rendition of the Liberty Lake Song, with any “last day of camp” kids dancing up on stage with us!

  13. 1000-seat LAKESIDE AMPHITHEATER. When Andy (a former professional musician) became the owner of Liberty Lake, he immediately built the amphitheater (and a new basketball court!). The amphitheater is also used as the NJ Renaissance Faire as it’s Human Chess Board, and by many others for weddings and ceremonies.

  14. TEXTCASTER emergency text communication system. Liberty Lake uses an emergency texting software to notify parents in situations like late buses, emergencies and other important news- nothing trivial, we promise!By the way, we are currently developing an app for your smart phone…

  15. EMERGENCY PLAN co-written by the office of state office of Emergency Management. Liberty Lake works closely with the state and county offices of emergency management, as well as local police and EMTs to make sure that any situation has a plan that is known and rehearsed.

  16. BUS SPIRIT TROPHY- At Liberty Lake, Camp truly begins when the campers get on the bus. With a “Fun on the Bus” program, and trained Bus Captain facilitators, buses compete each week to win the Bus Spirit Trophy, filled with slushie and straws on Friday afternoon!

  17. DANCING MORNING SECURITY GUARD that can turn any frown upside down!  After Andy, the most popular Liberty Lake employee might actually be D2, who greets the campers, cars and buses each morning with her big smile!


  18. SNACK SHACK with Slushies for birthdays and special situations- All returning campers get an off-season birthday slushie card!

  19. FREEDOM OF CHOICE ELECTIVE PROGRAM with 73 Weekly Activity Choices – I think we can find some things that you like!

  20. L.A.R.P. (live action role play!) With 40 on 40 epic battles!

  21. “LEARN TO RIDE” and Mountain Bike Programs–  Every summer we teach dozens and dozens of children how to ride a bike, and for advanced riders, we have the challenging trails through the woods!

  22. RODEO Elective and Events- Last summer, Liberty Lake held a full fledged Rodeo with Bull Riding, calf roping and more! Campers learn roping skills and animal care from actual rodeo cowboys.

  23. ARCHERY TAG is a new phenomena that takes place during the Laser Tag elective, and is almost as popular. Campers wear paint-ball style facemasks and shoot safe arrows (they have soft ends).

  24. LLTV – Our own weekly YouTube show, with campers as the anchors, and a fun greenscreen to play with –

  25. SENIOR SOUREE’ is the social elective for Seniors (Middle School age kids) to hang out, play games, and have a stress-free period of relationship building.

  26. WILL’S WORLD– Dungeons & Dragons, Fantasy and more, with legendary English Professor, Will Lewis!

  27. HONEY BEEKEEPING Elective – Last year, Liberty Lake harvested over 50 pounds or award winning honey, thanks to our amazing fisherman/beekeeper, Larry Pennypacker. This could be the coolest elective ever!

  28. LIBERTY BLOG – With Camper writers, on our website for the world to read!

  29. RAP ELECTIVE– Campers learn to rhyme during the week, and if they have the courage- perform on the big stage on Friday!


  30. GLEE CLUB– Sort of like the TV show, sans the drama, these kids work on a harmonized arrangement of a pop tune each week, along with moves and grooves to perform.

  31. ROCK BAND (live, not the video game) – Pick up a bass on Monday, and be a part of the band on stage on Friday. There’s nothing like being in an awesome Rock Band playing your favorite songs!

  32. SURVIVAL SKILLS CAMPOUT – 100% outside, surviving the elements with 3rd graders and up.

  33. DAILY SPIRIT EVENTS – Not once per week, not once in a while- EVERY SINGLE DAY is a holiday at LLDC!

  34. CAMP-A-PALOOZA – All day music & arts festival on the second to last day of week 8. Great bands, great music, great art- GREAT FRIENDS!

  35. THE GREATEST TEEN LEADERSHIP PROGRAM IN CAMPING for 14 & 15 year olds – NOT at “Counselor in Training” program, but a legit Leadership Program that teaches Teens the skills of life, including Communication, Collaboration, Confidence and Leadership!

  36. 99.9% OUTDOORS – Yup, Liberty Lake is an OUTDOOR experience. Campers come home sweaty, dirty, sun-soaked and happy. They can sit indoors during the winter- Summer is about being outside!

  37. LIQUID SUNSHINE APPROACH- dress appropriately! When it rains at Liberty Lake, the schedule goes on as planned. We teach grit and resiliency, and frankly- the kids LIKE playing in the rain, as long as it’s safe.

  38. PET PATROL – For all the aspiring vetenarians and groomers, or for the kids whose parents don’t allow pets- join the Pet Patrol to play with our Newfoundland pups- Rosie and Cali, plus this year CHICKENS!

  39. BEST HUMMUS IN CAMPING – I don’t know what Nate puts in it, but BOY, is it tasty! Every day at the salad bar.


  40. BEST MINI-GOLF COURSE IN CAMPING – It’s an 18 hole arboritum of awesomeness, complete with water systems, and sound system!

  41. BEST HIGH ROPES COURSE IN DAY CAMPING – You can find similar up in the Adirondaks or Poconos, but not in our neck of the woods. Rope bridges, Giants Ladder, TWO 500′ zip lines, and a new GIANT Swing!

  42. BEST DAY CAMP LUNCH MENU, with most choices. Our in-house caterers have worked with us to create the ultimate camp lunch menu, salad bar, pasta bar, substitutes and extras- Bagels in the morning, Apples all day, Ices/Ice Cream in the afternoon!

  43. FAMILY BENEFITS PROGRAMBusiness discounts for Liberty Lake families!

  44. IN-SEASON STAFF TRAINING- Continuing leadership training for staff.


  45. SMALL CAMPER GROUPS– 10-12 for Pre-Schoolers, 12-15 for elementary schoolers, 12-18 for middle schoolers.

  46. DIVISION LEADERS– Middle Management leadership who make pre-season calls to rookies, in-season touch-base calls to all, and are the liaisons for each and every family.

  47. NJ RENAISSANCE FAIRE – Our amazing staffers John, TJ, Will, Shelli- plus special events and independent performers like Jacque ze Whipper!

  48. SOCIAL WORKER ON STAFF to support campers, staff, and families. If you are interested in communicating with

  49. MID-SUMMER FAMILY NIGHT- Regardless of what weeks you attend, please join us each summer (August 6, this year) for the ultimate barbecue dinner, lots of fun camp activities, and the ropes course just for parents! Your kids are your counselors.

  50. THE LIBERTY LAKE SONG – Quite simply, the greatest camp theme song EVER.

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