Liberty News

Adventures of a Junior

Jul 31, 2016 | by Will Lewis | Camp Fun, Camp News, Liberty Blog

By Keira Sohosky


Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a junior at LLDC? Being a junior is really awesome! You could ride the crazy cool zip line, or even become a songwriter! You’re free to do what you love. It’s that simple!
So far, my adventures as a junior have been amazing! I do a little bit of everything. I write, songwrite, bike, and even interview on LLTV!
Some juniors run through the sprinkler. The sprinklers are on almost all the time! Hullaball is always being rained out by the sprinkler, but they don’t care much.
We also get to swim in the lake and the pool, we get free swim from 12:15 to 1:15. Wow! A whole hour of swimming?! That’s pretty fun. If you’re really good at swimming, you can join the swim team elective. Swim team goes to meets at other camps. If we don’t want to swim in the pool, we can swim at the lake. Personally, I like the lake better. The lake has a diving board and and a water trampoline! There’s also a dock to jump off of! Sometimes I just lay on there. So fan, my adventures are unforgettable.