
The Turtles group is an age-appropriate version of our camp program for campers entering preschool and kindergarten. The nurturing style of the Turtles program encourages your child to play, explore, learn, and be creative in a safe and FUN environment.

Outdoors all-day, on 60 acres, our Turtle Program is not appropriate for every pre-schooler. Liberty Lake Turtles are fully potty-trained, do NOT take regular naps, and are kind, fun-loving kids often described by their parents as “Shot out of a cannon!” 🙂

Our Turtle Groups are small with three staff, and thus, our littlest Liberty Lakers receive the individualized attention they need throughout the entire day. Turtle Group Leaders and Counselors are experienced staff who have a passion and background in early childhood development. They understand how your young child learns and plays in a group setting. Our youngest campers are very well supervised—we have the best staff-to-camper ratio known to mankind!

The main distinction between the Turtle group and our Freshman Division (campers entering 1st and 2nd grade) is that Turtles participate in activities predetermined for them in a set schedule, and specialized for their unique, young, “pre-school” brains. Once your little  Turtle transitions to our Freshman Division, he or she will experience the privilege and responsibility of choosing electives through our massively popular Freedom of Choice program.

Liberty Lake is a “developmental playground” for our youngest campers to explore! We encourage growth of your child’s physical abilities, social skills, and creativity through active participation in a wide range of activities:

  • Instructional and recreational swim
  • Creative play
  • Waterfront and land adventures
  • Sports
  • Performing arts
  • Applied arts

Plus an additional 5% Turtle Tuition Discount!

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