Level of Support

Level of support is determined through a review of the intake process, CABS reports, and any outside information that may be applicable. Campers enrolled through our success program are grouped as all campers are, with peers that are in the same school grade or developmental level. Groups are supervised by an adult Group Leader and 1 or 2 teenage counselors, with most activities led by experienced adults. ‘additional support’ would mean additional support staff beyond these typical staffing parameters.

Most support staff are employed by Liberty Lake with occasional support being provided through agencies. All Support Staff attend LLDC staff trainings and must adhere to the same rules, regulations and safety checks.

The primary goal of the support staff is to provide your camper with the additional and sometimes specialized support they need to be successful. Support staff is a veritable ‘safety net’ – there to ensure that their assigned camper has the support they need to be successful at camp.  This includes socializing appropriate manner and navigating to and from activities on our 60+ acre campus and ensuring that inclusion is happening.

At Liberty Lake Day Camp, we are able to provide the following levels of support:

Inclusion Counselor (under 18 years old)

* The lowest level of additional staff support, for campers that generally are very high functioning. Some of their responsibilities include:

  • Assists camper in making friends and being involved in the group
  • Ensure camper understands their schedule and safely gets to and from activities in a timely fashion
  • Assists camper with the lunch process, keenly aware of food allergies/restrictions
  • Supports camper in elective and group activities so they can be as inclusive and successful as possible
  • Weekly surcharge applies

Adult Inclusion Counselor- (18 years+)

* Moderate level of support with a more mature/experienced staff able to work with more challenging situations

  • All of the above responsibilities of the regular Inclusion Counselor
  • Uses more extensive positive reinforcement tools to redirect your camper’s behavior. (ex. sticker chart with rewards)
  • Engage your child in alternate activities during long wait times or when an activity is too challenging
  • Offers additional support in the changing room before and after swimming, and provides toileting reminders with clothing assistance
  • Weekly surcharge applies

Advocate (18+ with Special Ed. college degree and/or related experience)

* The highest level of support offered, with highly trained, Special Ed. experienced adults- sometimes with a medical background, if necessary

  • All of the above responsibilities of the Inclusion Counselors
  • Able to swiftly remove your child from an area causing frustration or precipitating acting-out behavior
  • Able to take your child to a specific ‘quiet space’ to regroup and refocus
  • May need to assist with bathroom/changing needs then just an Adult Inclusion Counselor.
  • Cost is dependent on expertise of employee, often covered by state, school or other funding

Many of our families procure funding from outside sources to supplement the cost for additional staff support. If not receiving support funding, additional fees become the responsibility of the parents.

Please continue on to our Family Resources Page to read about funding options like PerformCare and more.

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