Liberty Blog

From Shanghai to Columbus

Jul 9, 2016 | by Will Lewis | Camp News, Camping Trends, Liberty Blog

By Julia Wolfe

Last Tuesday, eight boys and girls joined Liberty Lake. The difference is they didn’t drive twenty minutes to get here… They traveled 9+ hours all the way from Shanghai, China! Their ages range from 7 to 12 years old. They all have their own unique chinese names, but at camp the children go by their own chosen American names. The girls’ names are Cindy, Yo-yo, Tiffeny and Helen. The boys are Ryan, Andy, Itali and Tim. They are staying for three weeks.

Why did they travel all the way from LLDC? Along with wanting to enjoy the outdoors and the experience of camp like the rest of us, they also decided to join camp because they are starting camps like LLDC in China. About a year ago, there was a conference that talked about opening camps like LLDC in China. Andy, the director of Liberty Lake, spoke there and now China is developing camps with the help of the children and their chaperone attending LLDC.

All eight children will stay here at liberty lake and have an experience unlike they have ever had. We hope they have a fantastic time!

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