Liberty Lake’s Freedom of Choice Elective Program gives campers the opportunity to use our 60-acre facility as a learning environment for a wide array of activities that will push your creativity beyond it’s perceived limits. Campers are taught by experienced Liberty Lake staff with challenging curriculum that changes weekly on the elective sheet.

  • ASL – Use your fingers and hands to learn another language without ever speaking a word!
  • Creative Writing – (5th +) Write about the excitement at LLDC & have everyone see your work published online
  • Dinosaurs Rock – You are the archaeologist – discover million year old secrets!
  • Feather & Fur – Work with chickens, goats, and our Newfoundland pups Rosie & Cali- cleaning, feeding, playing, swimming, and enjoying life
  • LLTV – We have our own YouTube TV Channel, with Campers as anchors, camera and sound techs – one of the coolest electives ever!
  • Magic – Intense card tournament play under strict supervision – Magic The Gathering is a cult at Liberty Lake of very smart and competitive young people!
  • S.T.E.M. – It’s our official Science elective, with a weekly theme, daily projects, experiments, and robots!
  • Tutor Time – Daily extra support in academic subjects – just bring your work!
  • Will’s World – Dive into fantasy & strategy, playing Dungeons & Dragons, LARP battles (live action role play), Sci-Fi creativity, and more!

For the latest list of Program Electives, click here/visit Important Resources!

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