Liberty Blog

Trying New Things

Jul 3, 2017 | by Will Lewis | Camp Fun, Camp News, Liberty Blog

There are many electives to choose from.  This makes it easy to find something you usually do. However, you should try new things. there are so many reasons you should do this.  You may think I’ll be the worst at it though.  Well that’s not the case.  If you try something new you might either be good at it or learn quickly or everyone else is trying something new too.  For example, my friend on my softball team has never tried softball before.  She is one of the best on the team.  That’s for my REC team but here, if she came here and did the baseball/softball program she will soon become in the top three instead of the top five.  To prove my point even more I will do an interview with Jack Dugan senior at NYU and his friends Colin Costello also a senior at Yale these are the questions I will be asking-

What were the new electives you picked?

How do you like your electives?

Why did you pick those electives?

Will you ever do it again?

Are you glad you picked them? Will they help you in your life?

Did it inspire you to pick electives you have never tried before?

(Gaga, polar bear, flag football) it was stuff he enjoyed doing pretty good so far. Yes.

Glad I picked them. No. No. But friends told me about new electives.

Now you have heard from a kid at camp.  He likes trying new things. The reason you should try new things is because you may actually like them.  Well since we’re done let me just tell you GO TRY SOMETHING NEW!

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