10th Grade LIT Program Application

    Name (First & Last):*

    Street Address:*


    State: *

    Zip Code:*

    Phone Number:*

    Parents' Name: *

    Parents' Phone Numbers
    Home: *

    Cell Phone: *

    Parents' Email Address: *

    LIT's Email Address: *

    Date Of Birth (month/day/year): *

    Grade in School Next Fall:*

    School Attending: *

    How Did You Hear About the Program?: *

    Have you ever attended Liberty Lake before?: *YesNo

    Extracurricular Activities: *
    List any sports, clubs or hobbies you enjoy participating in, including leadership roles.

    List any awards, honors, or certificates of achievements that you have received.: *

    Describe your experience with children and give ages.: *

    Describe any jobs, responsibilities, volunteerism, or personal experiences that have contributed to your personal growth.: *

    What are your three biggest strengths?: *

    What is something about yourself you would like to improve?: *

    What do you feel are two important qualities that a person must possess to be an effective leader?: *

    Describe an experience in which you acted as a leader.: *

    Why do you want to be a LIT?: *

    Are you able to commit to at least 6 of the 8 weeks of the Regular Camp Season?: *YesNo

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